
The thesis is your answer to your fertile question. 

PMI Analysis

It can be difficult to come up with a thesis and using a PMI tool can help.

PMI Analysis

PMI Table

How to use a PMI table.mp4

PMI - Screencast

PMI Analysis- Rats example

PMI - Example

Fertile Question & Thesis - Selfie poster

Selfie Poster

Make your own Fertile Question | Thesis selfie poster! 

1) Make a copy of the slide deck, 

2), Insert->Image->Camera to take your selfie (and make sure you 'Send to Back' this image so you can see the speech bubbles) 

3) Edit the text for your Fertile question and your thesis

Fertile Question & Thesis - Class Poster

Class Poster

Space for 14 responses.


Guidance writing discussion

This worksheet was use to help come up with a thesis on which diet was best for people and planet. It contains sentence starters to help you write your discussion section where you use evidence to discuss the different possible solutions.

PMI Analysis - What is the best diet for people and our planet?

Example PMI

This PMI shows not only 3 different solutions, but also the criteria to help decide which is the best.

It is important to support your ideas with evidence. However, the type of evidence you use will depend on the context. For instance, in a literary context you'll need to look for specific passages of text to support your interpretation. On the other hand, if you're working on a statistical project, you'll need to carefully gather and organise quantitative data using established statistical processes. By doing this, you'll be able to make claims that you can support with evidence, which will help to strengthen your arguments.