#6 Careers

Fertile Question: What practical steps can I take over the next 10 years to make me the best candidate for my chosen career?

“We all have passions, you don't get to choose them, they pick you. But you have to be alert to them. You have to be looking for them. And when you find your passion, it's a fantastic gift for you because it gives you direction. It gives you purpose. You can have a job. You can have a career. Or you can have a calling."

Jeff Bezos - founder of Amazon

⚡️SPARK - Careers

The aim of this inquiry is to give you the opportunity to investigate a career pathway that you are interested in.  Perhaps more important is the need to understand what you need to do, starting now, that will enable you to successfully pursue your interest into the future.

What do you need to do?

Possible Research Questions:


About the career:

Desired Qualities

Desired Competencies (skills)

Qualities and Competencies - Lists
Expert Interview Questions Exemplar

Expert Interview Questions Exemplar

Careers Inquiry - Numerical Data Task

Careers Numerical data task.

Career Timeline - Teacher

Career Timeline - Example

Click this link to make your own copy

Careers Report plan-example

Careers Report Plan - Example

Y10 Careers Inquiry - Architect example

Career Inquiry Mothership example

Explemer report - Biomedical engineer

Careers Report - Example

Another one for Football development

Deliberate Acts to help set you apart

Practical Steps

A list of deliberate acts you can take to build your qualities and competencies.

Example presentation

Copy of Y10 Careers Inquiry #6 - Presentation