What is innovation?
Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles. They toughen and make them strong.
Norman Vincent Peale
How do I come up with a project idea?
Find a problem! What is a meaningful problem for you? If you can't think of one a problem based on recycling is available below.
Week 1: Establish a problem and work through the launch cycle slides
Week 2: Research problem and ideas
Week 3: Create a prototype and complete YIA entry. Submit by Friday (Google Slide & Video)
Young Innovators Award
These awards have been going since 2010. Check out the YIA Youtube channel or the Past Winners page for some inspiration from previous finalists.
Innovators Mindset – webpage with 8 characteristics of an innovator.
Design Squad – Heaps of ideas, student led projects and games around the design process.
Ocean Cleanup project (17 mins)
Ripstr (2 mins): 2015 YIA internship winners
Where good ideas come from (4 mins)