EOY Exam revision

TBC Study Guide

How to study

StudyIt Tips and Tricks: A NZ government site with a comprehensive guide to successful studying.

Success hacks – 10 simple study ideas

10 Study Tips for Your Next Exam: Test prep ritual, brain dump, summary, quiz, simulation, exercise, time, organise day.

How to Study for Finals PLAN before you DO – How much time, what, order, priorities, intensity, actionable steps

Test Anxiety: How to Take On Your Exams Without Stress

When You Just CAN’T Motivate Yourself to Study

Top tips on preparing for exams | Matthew Syed

How to study effectively: The ultimate guide

Happy revising!

What also is useful is to create a weekly student planner. Here is a link to a .pdf file to download and printout. And here is a link to a Google Doc version that you can make a copy of and edit online.

How to take great notes

5 methods: Outline method (computer good), Cornell style (good for paper), Mind map (visual learners), Flow method (holistic learning)

Study less, study smart

Pomodoro Technique

  1. Decide on the task to be done.

  2. Set the pomodoro timer (typically for 25 minutes).[1]

  3. Work on the task.

  4. End work when the timer rings and take a short break (typically 5–10 minutes).[5]

  5. If you have finished fewer than three pomodoros, go back to Step 2 and repeat until you go through all three pomodoros.

  6. After three pomodoros are done, take the fourth pomodoro and then take a long break (typically 20 to 30 minutes). Once the long break is finished, return to step 2.

Moosti is a Chrome Add on to manage the timers